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TAMERLAN  (1986-2013), R.I.P.


Arrested at 1:00am (CNN photo)      


Hours later in morgue (source?)

Did you read my song "Jahar on the MTA"? It contains a verse about Tamerlan. In the wee hours of Friday, April 19, 2013, the FBI took a healthy-looking (not bloodied) 26-year-old Tamerlan Anzor Tsarnaev into custody. At some time before 6am, he was pronounced dead. How did he die? He was murdered.  Who is guilty? We need to indict a suspect (an FBI man) and try him for homicide.


Clearly, Tamerlan did not die in a shootout with police; he was captured alive and then was killed in custody.  Since that is not admitted to by police, this shows the authorities acting in bad faith about a major part of the story. And why would they do that? Well, they don't want to be held accountable for his murder.


But it also tells you that they are not to be believed in regard to other things, right? They "needed" to cook up the story of the brothers being caught in Watertown. I think they must have organized the details of that story far in advance, and relied on media's complicity. And if the capture story is nonsense, why not the whole story, as to who did what on April 15 at the Marathon itself?


As stated in the Q&A, my work on the Tsarnaev case isn't about the placing of bombs at the Marathon on Monday, April 15, 2013.  I have focused on the events that began on Thursday April 18 at 5pm when the authorities held a press conference to say they had identified two men as the suspected bombers. Among the authorities standing near the FBI speaker (Richard DesLauriers) were Senator Elizabeth Warren, Gov Deval Patrick, Watertown Police Chief Ed Deveau, US Attorney Carmen Ortiz.  Gov Deval Patrick. (Who needs all that visual drama?)


The media (WMUR-TV) subsequently reported (on Saturday) that a man, code-named Danny, had come forth to say that the brothers carjacked him in Allston around 11pm on Thursday April 18th, and that the guy (Tam) boasted to him that he was the Marathon bomber -- fancy that -- and the guy (Tam) casually stated that he had just killed a cop at MIT. (What idiot would tell a stranger that he was a cop killer?)


In the long run, the following became part of the lore:

The brothers went to the MIT campus to obtain a gun. (Think about that!)

They killed Officer Sean Collier, age 27, who was sitting in his cruiser at MIT.

The lock on his holster nevertheless prevented the boys taking his gun.

So they left and found a man (Danny) sitting in a Mercedes SUV, texting. They moved gear from their Honda into the SUV. (You know, explosives type stuff).

Then all three stopped at an ATM, so Jahar could steal $800 from Danny's account. (The ATM's photo of Jahar is not even a close resemblance of Jahar).

They then stopped at a Shell gas station where Jahar bought Dorito's and where Danny made a "daring" escape. "A bullet whizzed past him." (?)

He told police his SUV was a rental and had GPS, so cops traced it to Watertown.


We are now up to post-midnight, the wee hours of Friday April 19, 2013. It seems clear to me that the real event of the night was the pre-arranged arrival of the brothers in Watertown. (Not in Danny's car; the whole carjacking and ATM and Shell gas story is fictional.) How is it that the brothers were found in Watertown?  I am guessing that Tam was FBI or CIA informant and was told to report for duty with his kid brother.


THE NARRATIVE is that both boys shot at cops on Laurel St, Watertown, and ridiculously approached the headlights of the cop car (but no dashcam shots are provided).  Then -- supposedly -- Jahar decided to quit the scene, so he jumped into the SUV and accidentally ran over his brother (can you imagine?), then escaped into the night. A police sergeant (see Open Mic) claims that he saw Tam bleeding to death on Laurel St. and was taken off in an ambulance.


He cannot have been at Laurel St getting wounded at 12:35am, because we see him twice later -- in good condition! The first time is around 1:05am, when he shouted Podstava. (Cops were frisking him on the ground.) That video was made by a neighbor who calls himself Big Headphone.


Around 1:15, CNN made a booboo by showing the arrested Tamerlan, now naked. Gabe Ramiriez did the filming. This is sufficient proof that Tam had not, earlier, taken part in a shootout or got run over. His body is clear of injury. If you argue that the shootout occurred later, you have to say that the cops gave him back his clothes and a gun and said "Go do what you please."


This website,, is about Jahar not Tam, as the point is to make the legal system answer before Jahar gets killed.  Nevertheless, the Big Story is the Tam story, not Jahar.  Tam's murder is given support by the similar murder of Ibraghim Todashev in Florida.  The FBI entered his home and they admit they murdered him. They had been "interviewing" Todashev for 7 hours. It was against protocol for them to interview him at home; he had already been willing to go to the FBI office.  But the FBI needed to get rid of him as he was a pal of Tamerlan and could "talk." His autopsy shows bullets in the head.


(Note: Jahar, too, has been unable to talk for almost 10 years. US District Court George A O'Toole, Jr, put Jahar under SAM's -- special administrative measures at ADX Prison in Colorado.).)

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